Visit of the Nascht crèche in Merl

Visit of the Crèche Nascht in Merl Emmanuelle, Head of the Execution Department, makes us discover the places just before the final installation. The crèche is located at 256, Route de Longwy in Merl....

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The Nascht Podcasts – Episode 1: Terrible Two

PODCAST NASCHT New! Discover our first podcast: "The Terrible Two" Catherine explains what this phase is, how to approach it and the attitudes to adopt in the event of a crisis. Good listening ! Nascht's podcasts are available on the listening platforms of...

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The Cabins

The huts are part of the childhood landscape, children love to take refuge there. They allow you to isolate yourself and have fun by stimulating creativity, imagination and motor skills. They provide free, unstructured, multi-game play time in a secure environment. The hut is a support...

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Images Nursery Nascht Luxembourg Article Sucre | A child hides his eyes with two donuts
The child and the sugar

The child acquires his eating habits very early and keeps them throughout his life. Should we then ban sugar, which has been much criticized in recent times, from our children's diets? First of all, it is important to distinguish between the different types of sugars that are...

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Nursery Nascht Artcile Outdoor play | Image of a playground
The outdoor game

Also, the exterior, with its large spaces, allows you to move more actively, more freely, and to perform wide movements, on sometimes uneven surfaces. Playing outdoors allows the child to face various challenges and to take the risks that he is ready to take up. Those are...

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The Kamishibai

Kamishibai is a Japanese storytelling technique, used in nursery to tell stories differently. It allows the child to arouse his curiosity, to develop his imagination while sharing a privileged moment in a group. A veritable theater of images, it has the power to capture the attention of children...

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Self-confidence is cultivated from birth

Value your child, teach him to communicate, interact with him, self-confidence develops and is cultivated from birth and on a daily basis through the parent/child connection. For this, it is necessary to integrate the child into our communication system and send him...

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Manual fine motor skills

  Manual fine motor skills are the development of the ability of the hand, the acquisition of a fine, precise and meticulous movement. Its development makes it possible to promote the acquisition of prehension for better control and better coordination of the fingers, hands and eyes. Traction...

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